Hardcover or Paperbacks? That’s a big debate between readers that I want to re-open. So whatever type of book format you prefer, whether it’s hardcovers or paperbacks, join in the conversation!
Hello, fellow bookworms!
This time around let’s discuss a topic that we, as readers, constantly face.
And in the past few years, ebooks and audiobooks were added to confuse us even more! Hardcovers or paperbacks weren’t enough of a hard decision to make.
Team Hardcovers or Team Paperbacks?
This is the ultimate debate booklovers: which format do you prefer? Hardcovers or paperbacks?
I am an indecisive chick when it comes to this, so let me explain to you my reasoning behind it.
Hardcovers are pretty, especially when they are all the same size, so your bookcase can look great. Aesthetically speaking, this is a no-brainer.
Another thing I like about hardcovers, that many of you can attest to I’m sure, is that you can take the cover off while you’re reading. That way, your cover remains intact while you’re enjoying the book.
Now, for the negative parts about hardcovers:
They are heavy to schlep around, and the prices are simply ridiculous. They used to always be more expensive than paperbacks, but now they almost double in price. We would all love to encourage writers and buy books at full price, but when they’re over $40 a pop you think of different options.
Such as borrowing from the library, or trying to find them secondhand, for example. I cannot pass up a used hardcover in mint condition!
Now, paperbacks are so easy to bring everywhere, even if they’re on the thicker side. They weigh a lot less, but they can also get damaged easier if they are constantly being pulled in and out of your handbag.
They also fit better in any bag, even in a purse, depending on its thickness. And I personally find they’re easier to turn the pages in paperbacks than in hardbacks. Or at least, you don’t mind as much as whether the binding looks used.
Although super convenient and much more affordable, they are not as aesthetically pleasing as hardcovers.
But many people prefer them for the reasons listed above.
Ebooks or Audiobooks
As I mentioned in the introduction, now there are two more categories of book formats to add to all bookworm’s dilemmas: ebooks and audiobooks.
Have you embraced the electronic versions yet? If it’s a no, why not?
I got on the ebook bandwagon pretty early on, I must admit.
I remember my first e-reader was a pink Sony, and I absolutely loved it. Although the digital library wasn’t as well dressed as it is today, Libby still had quite a decent catalog to choose from. I loved the idea off-bat because of its convenience. Especially when traveling overseas, to me, bringing my e-reader along is another no-brainer. It weighs less than a thin paperback, and you can bring literally hundreds of books with you.
Being a mood reader, it made total sense to me.
As far as audiobooks are concerned, it took me a little while longer to get into them. The reason for me is that I am a visual person, and I have to really be mindful of what I’m listening to. If not I tend to lose track of the story.
I find that non-fiction books are easier to pay attention to on audio, at least for me.
Another consideration is the narrator’s voice. That will either make or break the book for you. If you can’t stand the narrator’s voice, you’re better off waiting for a physical copy of the book, or at the very least an ebook. I know I’ve abandoned a couple of books because of this issue, only to enjoy them a lot more in a different format.
But as of late, I’m learning to embrace the audio format more, especially when I’m walking or driving. By the way, my actual job consists of lots of driving, so I prefer to use my time efficiently.
That way I can read more books after, instead of listening to the same songs over and over again. Or mindless chatter on the radio that doesn’t even interest me.
So yay for audiobooks!
Concluding Words
This concludes my short post on hardcovers or paperbacks.
Which format do you prefer? Have you changed your preference throughout the years?
Whatever you like, that’s totally fine, and even if you change your mind along the way, that’s also completely up to you.
As long as you’re enjoying your books, it doesn’t matter which format you choose to get your reading done.
Until next time, keep this convo going, fellow bookworms.
And let me know if you’ve read any amazing books lately in the comment box below! Always looking forward to your input!