Books for mind reached its two year anniversary this week!!!
This post is very special to me, because it makes it my 100th post! Coincidentally, Books For Mind celebrates its second anniversary! A great milestone that is worth noting. Happy two year anniversary Books For MInd!
I’ll keep this one short and sweet, as I simply wanted to thank you guys for your support.
Although I don’t want to go on about random things today, I wanted to acknowledge those of you who’ve been with me from the beginning. I want to thank my faithful readers, but also the new faces that have just discovered my little corner here on the internet.
What The Main Topics Are
As you well know, I’ve been an avid reader ever since I can remember. So it’s obvious that my favorite topics of discussion revolve around books.
But as I’ve been exploring different areas in the last couple of years, I’ve taken a liking to travel, capsule wardrobes and relationships in general. I’ve always found fascinating how people relate to one another, especially in the books I’ve been reading. The complexity of relationships has always intrigued me, and that is something I started reading more about in the last year.
While this is by no means a lifestyle blog, I do write random lifestyle posts.
I wrote a couple of blog posts about some of my favorite coffee houses, bookstores, restaurants, and parks in and around Montreal. I’ve also included a post about A-Frame cabins I’d like to stay at that are within a short distance from the city.
With my upcoming vacation at the end of summer, there’s a good chance I will write something about it. It is an amazing experience I look forward to, so I’ll keep you posted.
How I’ve Evolved Reading Wise
While I’m pretty consistent with my favorite genres, I did branch out a little in the last couple of years. I’ve even given fantasy and dark academia a chance, although I’m still not completely sold on them.
As far as fantasy is concerned, I read Fable, which was ok but didnt love it, and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, a book I absolutely loved. The ACOTAR series is something I’m still unsure about.
I’ve dabbled a little in dark academia, and I have mixed feelings about it. There were a couple of books in the genre I didn’t enjoy that much, but others I quite liked.
At the moment, I’m actually listening to Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo, and I must say I’m liking it. I don’t know if that will become one of my go-to genres, but I’m not completely disregarding it any longer.
My forever go-to genre is thrillers, particularly Nordic Noir. But contemporary fiction, more specifically books about the complexities of relationships is becoming a new favorite.
Science fiction and smut is still not something I vibe with, but you never know what the future brings. I’m not saying I will never read those genres, but for now it’s still not in the plans.
What to expect for the future of Books For Mind
As far as my blog goes, I’d like to continue around the same lines. Maybe I’ll do more comprehensive reading recs, books by genre, age group, etc.
I already started to put together some of these lists, and I will get them more organized in the future. If you have any specific requests or book recommendations you’d like to see, leave me a comment in the box below.
Here is where I’d really like your input, since you guys are the ones reading my posts. If I write about topics I’m passionate about but hold no interest to you, it’s not going to make any sense to me. Hence, your requests will be taken into account.
Final Words
Once again, I thank you all for your continuing support, and I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Back to a regular bookish post next, I promise. Until then, keep reading my fellow bookworms!