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March 2023 Book Reviews

    These are my March 2023 book reviews. March was a pretty decent month reading-wise. I discovered a couple of indie authors, which I’m happy I did, but I can’t say any of the books I read were spectacular. They were okay, but nothing I would re-read. A couple of them disappointed me, as […]

Nine Books To Read This Spring

    We’re finally in spring, and I, for one, couldn’t be happier! Reading-wise, I came up with nine books to read this spring, which should improve your mood! As I get older, I find winters hard to deal with, so I look very much forward to longer days, warmer temperatures, and dry roads! If […]

8 Books Set in New York

    This post gives me some serious wanderlust vibes. I gathered a list of 8 books that are set in New York. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I haven’t traveled anywhere too far and I’m starting to seriously miss it. I miss the weekend getaways, the road trips, flying overseas, the whole thing. […]

February 2023 Book Reviews

  This post includes my February 2023 book reviews. I had these books finished over the weekend, but I was hoping to get through at least another one. Since that didn’t happen, this is my final tally for February 2023. I read six books and reread one, which is pretty average for me. Without further […]

7 Dark Academia Novels to Read

    This post includes 7 dark-academia novels to read. Dark academia is a subgenre of the literary fiction genre that contains dark, gothic vibes that usually involve some aspects of academia. Whether in a school setting or other type of establishment that revolves around academics, these books are moody and mysterious.  They are not […]

10 Best YA Romance Books

    I decided to put together a post containing the 10 best YA romance books, in my opinion. I’m not someone who believes that celebrating love should be on a certain day of the year. Hence, this is not a post meant for Valentine’s Day, rather it is inspired by the holiday. If you’re […]

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